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Guide to Setting Up a Contained Development Environment

Running and developing code in a development environment allows developers to test their code in a controlled and isolated environment before deploying it to a production system. This helps to minimize the risk of errors, conflicts, and other issues that can arise when running code directly on a production system. Using a development environment also provides greater flexibility in terms of testing different configurations, versions, and dependencies.

Docker is a tool that allows developers to package an application and its dependencies into a container, which can then be deployed and run on any system that supports Docker. Visual Studio is a popular integrated development environment (IDE) that provides a range of tools and features for developing and debugging code. By using Docker and Visual Studio together, developers can create and test applications in a containerized environment, which can be easily replicated and deployed to production systems.

Here are the step-by-step instructions to install Docker and Visual Studio, set up a development environment, and test a simple application:

Installing Docker:

  1. Go to the Docker website ( and download Docker Desktop for your operating system.
  2. Follow the installation instructions for your operating system.

Installing Visual Studio:

  1. Go to the Visual Studio website ( and download Visual Studio Community Edition for your operating system.
  2. Follow the installation instructions for your operating system.

Setting Up a Development Environment:

  1. Open Visual Studio and select “Create a new project”.
  2. Choose the programming language and framework for your project.
  3. Select “Docker” as the target environment for your project.
  4. Add any necessary dependencies to your project, either through the project’s package manager or by manually installing them.

Install the dependencies needed to run the sample application in Python:

  1. Install Python: a. Go to the Python website ( and download and install the latest version of Python for your operating system. b. Once the installation is complete, open a command prompt and type python to verify that Python is installed correctly.
  2. Install tkinter: a. Tkinter is included with Python, so you don’t need to install it separately. b. To verify that tkinter is installed correctly, open a Python shell by typing python in a command prompt and then type import tkinter and press enter. If there are no errors, tkinter is installed correctly.
  3. Install any additional dependencies required for your application: a. For example, if your application requires the Pillow library to display images, you can install it by typing pip install Pillow in a command prompt. b. Make sure to install any other dependencies required for your application.

Prompts you can enter in a command prompt or terminal window:

To open a terminal window or command prompt in Visual Studio, select “View” -> “Terminal” from the menu. This will open a console window within Visual Studio where you can enter commands.

Install tkinter

import tkinter

Install any additional dependencies required for your application this way

By following these steps, you can install the necessary dependencies to run the sample application in Python. If you encounter any errors or issues, check the documentation for the dependencies you’re using to see if any additional steps or configurations are required.

Testing a Simple Application:

  1. Write a simple application in your chosen language that displays a message in a popup window.
import tkinter as tk

root = tk.Tk()
tk.messagebox.showinfo(title="Welcome to the AI Secret Agent Community", message="Thank you for joining the AI Secret Agent Community! We're excited to have you onboard.")
  1. Build and run your application within the Docker environment using the tools provided by Visual Studio.
  2. The output should be a popup window that displays the message “Thank you for joining the AI Secret Agent Community! We’re excited to have you onboard.”

By following these steps, you can set up a development environment using Docker and Visual Studio, and test that everything is working properly by running a simple application that displays a message in a popup window.

If you encounter any issues or errors during the installation or testing process, be sure to check the documentation for Docker, Visual Studio, and any dependencies you’re using to see if there are any additional steps or configurations required.

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